Birdie Background

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Tools to Fight Unbelief

   I think that for anyone that is saved at an early age, grows up in a Christian home, or lives a protected, sheltered life, there comes a time when that person must truly decide that in the midst of hard times, they will cling to Christ. All of those things (the early age, home, etc) are blessings, but I think that sometimes they make the Christian life "easy"...and when something hard comes, you must again choose to believe and continue believing the promises of God. Sometimes this comes in the form of the death of a loved one, a disease...but sometimes, it's just that life gets so hard, you have no other motivation to keep going except for God.

   I will try to go into my own spiritual journey in depth later, but let's just say, that as a sheltered, protected, "good" kid from a Christian home, life got hard enough this past year that I had to struggle through questions about God, about faith, and whether I would choose to submit myself to Him, or if I would continue to fight to live a comfy, easy life.

  There are three things that help a believer fight unbelief. God's Word, prayer, and the preaching of God's Word. You must submit yourself to these if you are going live the Christian life. Here are some resources that I've found helpful in fighting for faith.

2 Corinthians 4
Hebrews 11-12
Meditate on these Scriptures. You may not feel like believing or agreeing with them now. But take God up on His promise that He will sanctify you with His truth, and that His Word (the Bible) is truth.

The Reason for God by Tim Keller.
   If you are having questions about God, please read this. He is the pastor of a very large church in NYC and has counseled many, many young people who want proof for God. Although salvation is ultimately a matter of faith, maybe the Biblical answers to these real-life questions can bolster your own faith or provide answers for a loved one who is searching.

Battling Unbelief Series by John Piper
   All sin is rooted in unbelief. This series is excellent in going through the ways our unbelief manifests itself and how we can fight for faith. I would encourage you to listen to all of them--even the ones you may not think apply to you.

Spiritual Depression by John Piper
   Closely connected with unbelief is a feeling of depression, of failure in the Christian life. This sermon has been a blessing to me over many years. It's ok to sometimes "feel" like God isn't working or that He isn't long as you follow up those feelings with truth from God's Word. David displays this in Psalm 42, which is the passage this sermon is based on.

Finding God by Tim Keller
   When I listened to this sermon, I was on the brink of giving up on Christianity and God. I just didn't see God working in my life--I was angry and bitter at Him for things He allowed in my life. This sermon was perfect for me! I listened with my mouth open at how applicable it was. I think this is the truth the Lord used to slowly turn my heart back to Him.

Well, this was just a quick pre-dinner post for anyone who may be struggling. You are not alone--all Christians MUST choose daily in their hearts to believe the promises of God. But it is your choice. You may not FEEL like or WANT to pursue God. But you must. Even if you never ever feel like you love God, like you want to obey Him, or like you love Him, would it not be better to spend 70 years obeying God and fighting for faith if it means the rest of eternity in His presence? This is the question I asked myself. And I answered yes.

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